The Grail: Seduction of Power

The Grail: Seduction of Power


An awe scintillating journey into royal oneness and spiritual entrancement artistry to unlock your grail of power and have exquisite dominion of your life experience

Embark on 3 months of delicious transformative artistry and luxury online immersions where you will:

Experience holy grail union of your human blueprint and divine design, embodying your immortal fountain of radiant wisdom

Anchor into your timeless knowing and lush euphoria; gracefully relinquishing all obstacles to your rapturous power flow and aliveness

Inhabit the astounding glory of your supreme being and experience magnificent fulfillment as you relish your love of life here and now

Master your divine Self view of reality, perceiving yourself, others and the world through your royal love lens

Leverage the erotic currents of your heart, mind and body to entrance the spirit of the world towards worshiping you at your altar of divinity, fueling the most sumptuous, loving, pristine and passionate aspects of your essence

Be poised in your heart’s dominion and fashion realms of surreal beauty in belovedship with your almighty power, shaping your existence exactly as you wish to live it

Be flourished lavishly and prosperously by your sacred presence operating through all beings in your experience

Open your most voluptuous, nectar wet loving expression, living a life of majestic bliss and luscious intimacy with the truth of who you are

Embrace a luxurious romance with life from your heart of pure gold while savoring a gorgeously wholesome and rich human experience

Activate the profound metaphysical brilliance of your DNA and awaken spiritual gifts that lay dormant within your being

Unearth your evocative reservoirs of genius, soul artistry and sacred leadership

Exude your legacy blueprint, bringing your purest essence forward in the world through the artful emanation of your instrument

Sculpt your legend with elegance, flow and savory deep play

Enliven every sultry crevice within you, feeling tranquilly gorgeous and at home in your holy body as you deepen your capacity to thrive in pleasure

Open to the opulent elixir of life and ample resources that are designed to flow prolifically in your world through the divine grand harmonic

Align your most rich, vibrant, nourishing relationships, divine union and legendary destiny in this lifetime

Embody lushly decadent enlightened states of being through 13 vortice DNA, plasma and diamond chakra activations

Abide on your throne of regal Self certainty and sublime wholeness that frees you to live the extraordinary

Welcome beloved, I’m exquisitely delighted to share this sojourn with you!

Success Temple

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welcome to this gorgeous odyssey